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Manuel de l'utilisateur complet R36S Guide de configuration et d'utilisation

Manuel de l'utilisateur R36S complet : Guide d'installation, de configuration et d'utilisation

Welcome to this comprehensive guide for the R36S handheld gaming device. This manual is designed for first-time users and those who want to maintain their own ROM collection. While the configurations suggested here are based on personal experience and extensive research, they are optional recommendations rather than mandatory settings. This guide focuses on basic usage and optimal configurations for ROMs and emulators, excluding WiFi setup and non-standard applications.

1. Essential Information

Proper Power Management

Important: The correct way to power off your device is through the menu:

  1. Press START (menu button)
  2. Select QUIT

Note: The power button only switches to standby mode. Forcing shutdown by holding the power button is not recommended as it may damage the device.

Key Terms

  • ROM: A software package containing a game (e.g., Tetris)
  • CORE: Console emulator (e.g., Atari 2600 emulator)
  • BIOS: Supporting files required for certain emulators
  • ARKOS: The operating system running on R36S
  • RETROARCH: The frontend interface for running emulator cores in ArkOS

2. Technical Specifications

Component Specification
Affichage 3.5-inch IPS, 640 x 480 pixels
CPU RK3326
GPU Mali-G31
Weight 192 grams
Batterie Model 8040662 Li-ion, 3200 mAh, 3.7V

3. Charging Instructions

Important Charging Guidelines

  • Always use the LEFT USB port for charging
  • Recommended charger output: 0.5A – 2A (avoid fast chargers)
  • Charging completion indicator: LED turns off
  • Do not charge overnight
  • Avoid using the device while charging

4. Memory Card Setup

Configuration Options

Setup Type Card Slots Recommended Capacity
Single Card Right slot only Minimum 64GB
Dual Card Both slots OS: 16GB (Right)
Games: 64-256GB (Left)

Memory Card Best Practices

  • Replace stock cards with reliable brands (Kingston, Samsung recommended)
  • Avoid SanDisk for ROM card (left slot)
  • Maximum supported capacity: 256GB
  • Always backup the \BIOS folder
  • Never remove cards while device is powered on

5. Compatible Emulators

Fully Compatible Systems

  • Arcade (MAME)
  • Atari (2600, 5200, 7600)
  • Nintendo (NES, SNES, Game Boy, GBA, DS)
  • Sega (Master System, Genesis, Mega Drive)
  • Sony PlayStation 1
  • Commodore 64
  • MSX, MSX 2
  • PC Engine
  • And many more…

Partially Compatible Systems

  • Nintendo 64 (select games)
  • PlayStation Portable (select games)
  • Sega Dreamcast (select games)

Limited or Non-Compatible Systems

  • Atari Jaguar
  • Atari Lynx
  • Sega Saturn
  • Nintendo 64 DD

6. First-Time Setup

Initial ArkOS Configuration

  1. Update ArkOS to latest version
  2. Configure memory card setup
  3. Install necessary BIOS files
  4. Configure display settings
  5. Set up controller configurations

Recommended First-Time Settings

  • Enable Quick Exit (FN + START)
  • Configure two-player support
  • Set up preferred display theme
  • Configure audio settings

7. Key Combinations and Controls

Essential Controls

Fonction Key Combination
Power Off START > Quit > Shutdown System
Standby Mode Single press power button
Exit Game FN + START (press twice if Quick Exit is disabled)
Adjust Brightness START > Display Settings and Info > Brightness
Add/Remove Favorites Press Y in game selection list (* = favorites list)

Quick Menu Access

  • Open Quick Menu: Press R3 + X (R3 = press right thumbstick)
  • Save/Load States:
    1. Enter quick menu (R3 + X)
    2. Select State Slot
    3. Choose Save State or Load State

Special System Controls

Nintendo DS Controls

  • Switch Screens: FN button
  • Exit Game: Press left thumbstick and select from menu
  • Note: Quick exit (FN + START) doesn’t work on NDS

8. Adding and Managing Games

ROM Management Best Practices

  1. Create organized backup of your ROM collection
  2. Include BIOS folder in backups
  3. Maintain consistent folder structure
  4. Keep separate media folders for boxart and videos

Recommended ROM Organization Method

  1. Create three windows in file explorer:
    • Media/Images subfolder
    • Unsorted ROMs folder
    • Backup drive folder
  2. Use media folder to browse and select games
  3. Copy selected titles to backup folder
  4. Maintain consistent structure between backup and device

Special Cases

Arcade Games (MAME)

  • Keep ROMs zipped
  • Place in \MAME subfolder
  • Preserve additional MAME files from stock card

MS-DOS Games

  • Place in \DOS subfolder
  • Requires special configuration (see Section 11)

9. Scraping Box Art

Using Skraper Tool

  1. Download and install Skraper from
  2. Select RECALBOX > NEXT in setup
  3. Configure media folders:
    • Remove “media\” from output paths
    • Set to %ROMROOTFOLDER%\images and %ROMROOTFOLDER%\videos
  4. Configure media types:
    • Left image: IMAGE > BOX 2D
    • Right image: NORMALIZED VIDEOS

Special Configuration for Arcade Games

  • Select MAME ARCADE
  • Check “Use specific configuration”
  • Set left image to SCREENSHOT
  • Set right image to NORMALIZED VIDEO

10. Shaders Configuration

GameBoy Display Simulation

  1. Start any GameBoy game
  2. Open quick menu (R3 + X)
  3. Navigate to SHADERS > LOAD PRESET > GLSL
  5. Apply changes and save preset

Color Palette Configuration

  • Open quick menu in running game
  • Recommended palettes:
    • TWB64-285 (DMG-SWITCH) for authentic green
    • SGB – 3H for outdoor visibility

Vectrex Display Settings

Setting Recommended Value
Hardware rendering Hardware
Rendering resolution 580 x 720
Line brightness 8
Line width 6
Bloom brightness 4
Bloom width 10x

11. MS-DOS, Commodore, and Special Systems

MS-DOS Game Configuration

Performance Adjustment

  1. Open quick menu (R3 + X)
  3. Select appropriate processor speed based on game age:
    • 1982 games: 8086 processor
    • 1992 games: 386 processor
  4. Adjust mouse sensitivity if needed (20-40% recommended)

Special System Controls

ColecoVision Keypad Input

  1. Hold L1 or R1 shoulder button
  2. Use cursor keys to select desired keypad number
  3. Release L1/R1
  4. Press X to input selected number

12. Backup and Duplication

Backing Up ArkOS Settings

  3. Files are saved to /BACKUP in EASYROMS partition

System Duplication

  1. Backup current ArkOS settings
  2. Flash new memory card
  3. Copy EASYROMS partition contents
  4. Verify all files transferred correctly

13. Miscellaneous

Custom Images

Image Type Location Specifications
Boot Screen logo.bmp in BOOT partition 640 x 480 BMP
Loading Screen /LAUNCHIMAGES/loading.jpg 640 x 480 JPG
Menu Screens /THEMES/ folder Various formats

Battery Replacement

  • Model: Li-ion 8040662
  • Specifications: 3.7V, 3200 mAh
  • Connector: 2-pin JST 1.25mm
  • Procedure: Carefully disconnect 2-pin cable and replace

Complete R36S User Manual Setup Configuration and Usage Guide PDF

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